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Our School


Every day our students will learn, grow and help others.

Ferber is one of 17 elementary schools in the Appleton Area School District. Its doors opened in the fall of 1991 as the district enrollment expanded on the north side of Appleton. Currently, enrollment is around 500 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. When our students leave sixth grade they attend Einstein Middle School and then move on to Appleton North High School. 

The Ferber staff works collaboratively to ensure that those skills are being taught. Helping others is an important part on our mission as well. The feeling that you get when you can help someone else is very rewarding. Ferber students work toward this by participating in a variety of programs at their school. These programs include Student Service Club, Peer Mediators, Peer Helpers, Safety Patrol, and Classroom Buddies. 

Ferber Elementary School continues to have a strong partnership with our community. These partnerships provide our school assistance in programs such as United Reading for Success and Junior Achievement. Two school wide initiatives that are ongoing are our commitment to Educating Healthy Kids and our Bullying Prevention Program. Ferber has a strong PTO that works to enhance the educational experience for students and staff. The PTO plans and assists with events such as a Fine Arts Night, Sock Hop, and Multi-Cultural Night.